Friday, March 28 Awards 2008

Last day without knowing the results of the Awards 2008.

Without any doubt, Awards are the most important event of the year on the clubbing scene in Romania. All the DJs, VJs, producers, promoters, agents, sponsors, artworkers, club owners work the whole year and they are waiting for the start of the new one so they can see how much love they have from the public side.

It's all about the public in the end of it all. And no matter what are you doing during the year, Awards is about "doing it well". Tonight we are all looking forward for the @ WTP with Special Guest - Samim (live) feat Miguel Toro.

We, The Mission and Studio Martin, as brands, been rewarded many times already at the last year's awards. This is year we are nominee again at many cathegories, but since it's the first time I represent this two brands in front of the clubbers, it's the first time when Awards really matters and I'm very nervous about the results.

Studio Martin is nominee as the Best Club in Romania in 2007 and many parties entered the category Best Club Party in Romania. The Mission is nominee as Best Events Organizer and, as well, its events are included in the Best Event of 2007 - such as The Chemical Brothers @ Sala Polivalenta, Deep Dish @ Arenele Romane etc.

My boys, Livio & Roby, are nominee at the following categories: Livio for Best DJ, Roby for Best Upcoming DJ (since he started to play alone at the end of 2006), Livio & Roby as Biggest Name to Represent Romania outside the country, Monochrome (Livio & Roby feat George G) winning track of Heineken Music Thirst Studio 2007, Pearl, is included as Best Romanian Track of the Year and a couple of their sets - such as Monochrome live @ 6 Years Anniversary Party and Monochrome - Children of House FWD 01 Album Launch @ Studio Martin for the Romanian Set of the Year or Best Club Party. Unfortunately, even if they win or not at any category, Livio & Roby are in Miami playing at the Winter Music Conference, along names like Steve Lawler, Clive Henry, Jamie Jones and Audiofly at the Viva Music party and on the terrace of Stereo Club. So George G will be tonight, at the Awards, waiting for to announce its winners this year.

Good luck everybody, but fingers crossed for the names I represent, mkay? :o)


ardncfn said...

I wish you luck =) Too bad CE didn't receive any information in English to post some news about this event.

s u p e r s o n i c f a i r y said...

I didn't had any info in English either. And to be honest we didn't promoted this Awards thing just because we wanted to have the real votes from the public ones, not by promoting it with "Vote for us" :)

Thanks for the wishes P :)