Wednesday, March 19

A little funny chit chat with Lee Burridge

This is an interview with Lee Burridge that I took after the 1st of May parties on the Black Sea Coast in Mamaia, Romania. He played with his friend Bill Patrick at La Mania club and then at the beach, over & over again. Even forgot to eat. Lee is always great fun so a "classic" interview would of been boring. Prepare yourself for a great laugh with Lee Burridge.

Miss Foggy: What was the most wicked night when u got the most fucked up ever?
Lee Burridge: So many to choose from. I remember once in Thailand, we had been rocking out for three days and had dropped loads of Acid. We were in a club called The Backyard' which is up in the jungle. It really is a huge shack that doesn't have walls, just pillars holding up the roof and a large balcony that looked down from the hill onto a beach. The decks and mixer are set up and a snooker table and the speakers regularly caught fire or blew up. It's really cool. I wasn't DJing but my friend was.I was with another friend having fun, laughing and hanging out. The acid was really strong and when I looked up everyone had vanished apart from their eyeballs. So I'm in the club with three hundred pairs of eyes surrounding me and I start to get a bit weird. I decided to concentrate on the back of the bass speaker for a while and watch it vibrating. Eventually everyone returned at which point I look at my friend DJing. He decided (unwisely) at that point to try and mix 3 records together. Bad idea! So there he is with his headphones all twisted round his head, straining, and the three tracks mixing badly together sounding like a drum kit being kicked down the stairs. He had this deranged look on his face which said 'please help me' when CRACK!!! the headphones broke and flew off his head in different directions. The drum kit continued to clank and clatter down the stairs and my friend looked wildly around him for the remnants of the exploded headphones. He found one side with the tiniest piece of plastic attached to hold on to and proceeded to try and save the mix. He pulled down two of the faders and then ........silence! The third fader he left up was the record that had just finished. I, as a concerned friend was rolling around on the floor crying with laughter. That was a rather fucked up day/night!

MF: Did u ever had sex in the DJ booth?
LB: Yes. It's on my rider that the promoter must supply one sex girl everywhere I play to do naughty stuff to me in the DJ booth.

MF: What was the craziest gift u ever received from Bill?
LB: He was one of the sex girls. That's actually how we met, while he was giving me his gift.

MF: If u would be forced to play in a club's restroom, what would u play?
LB: Trance, as that music belongs in the toilet.

MF: Describe Peanut in three words and tell me who loves her the most.
LB: Ball. Turkey. Sleep. That's her life. She is by far the cutest dog ever. Who loves her the most? Anyone who meets her apart from Mexican people as she's a racist and growls and bites Mexicans. We don't know why.

MF: What's your biggest dream at the moment?
LB: To help Bill make it and get the recognition he deserves. Also doing that weightless thing in a plane where they simulate zero gravity would be pretty cool.

MF: What do you think about Bill? Describe him.
LB: He has an amazing taste in music and is my favorite victim to pick on when we are partying. He has trouble pronouncing the two words "Iraqi War" when fucked up. He says...IWAKI WAAAHH. He is just as bad and irresponsible as me which is good. He really will be a famous DJ in the next few years. He loves Desperate Housewives and Star Trek the next generation and believes in Ghosts. He faints if he sees blood and is scared of mice. He told me once that he liked a Shakira song and always cries when he watches Mrs Doubtfire (just like Little Mike). His favorite color is beige. He joined the Scientologists because he wanted to meet Tom Cruise. When he was growing up he liked to pretend he was Maverick from Top Gun when he was playing vollyball on Long island beach and that lead to the life long obsession he has with Tom to this very day. He used to have sign that said 'TUNE!' on one side and 'It's not over yet' on the other that he put above his head at the Paul Oakenfold parties he went to. When him and his friends DJ'd under the name 'the 112 crew' Bill was the number 2. He never logs off of Myspace and has an unhealthy obsession with Beef Jerky.

MF: What was your last nightmare? (not in real life – but like dreaming nasty stuff)
LB: I don't go to sleep so don't have them! I actually had a DJ dream/nightmare that comes back every now and again. It's always me DJing in fromt of lots of people but all I can find are bad records and I spend so long looking for a good record that the one playing finished and it's silent and I then put on another bad one. Was that a dream?

MF: What have you ate at the sea side?
LB: E's, branches and leaves.

MF: What's the thing you dislike most at a hotel room?
LB: I'll tell you about the hotel at the Black Sea Coast. I'd been awake and partying Friday night in Dublin and then flew to Bucharest. I drove down to La Mania and played from around 3 am until 1 pm. We then ended up at kudos where Bill and I played for another 10 hours until 1 am when we decided to go out to Marco Corolla. Around 5 am Monday morning Bill and I realized we were very hungry but had no money so a very kind dance music fan purchased us some food in the super market which we then took back to my room. It was then I realized the sun was coming up...shit!...the curtains are so white in the rooms of the hotel that it's actually darker sleeping with them open!.I hate white curtains!!!

MF: What's the worst thing that could happen to you while playing? And what do you dislike the most while playing?
LB: I dislike nothing. I love playing. When I used to play in Thailand the equipment was so ghetto that I used to get electric shocks every ten minutes. That was pretty bad!

MF: Who's your current superstar?
LB: The man who bought Bill and I food outside the Supermarket

MF: Who's the worst DJ you ever heard playing?
LB: many to chose from. I would say any of the DJ's who play from the wallet not from the heart. If you want names I think Judge Jules is pretty terrible.

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