Wednesday, September 10

Studio Martin Re-Opening Madness

Summer is all gone so here we go back to our roots: Studio Martin. The club is reopening on 19th of September with 2 Years Anniversary. Guests are Alex Meshkov from Deepmix, Mara and 2 Crazy Bastards, entrance is 20 ron before midnight and 30 ron after. The special night that I'm waiting for so long is the second of the reopening weekend, Saturday 20th of September. Info?

Saturday 20th of September
starting 11 pm - ending whenever the party stops
so...Let's Get Physical!

JONA [Get Physical | Fumakilla]
LIVIO & ROBY [Viva Music | Fumakilla]
GEORGE G [Monochrome | FWD Agency]

Entrace? (now that's a special one!)
- free entry for girls all night long;
- for guys - 20 ron before midnight | 30 ron after

A new Studio Martin, quality music, new soundsystem. And there you have it! All the reasons to party. Looking back to the Get Physical 6 Years Anniversary at Watergate, I remember I couldn't leave the dance floor while Jona was playing upstairs and happened the same with Einzelkind downstairs. While I have until 25th of October to check Einzelkind at Studio Martin, I can be damn happy to be able to check Jona again tomorrow at Rex and Saturday, 20th of September, home, at Studio Martin. If I wouldn't be the type of girl that comes back from the club with just half of her bag, I would take the camera and record some videos for you to have a preview of a perfect techno night with Jona. Meanwhile, you can always check this out:

And of course, don't you dare miss the Studio Martin party. I'll be back with more info, but you can check out Studio Martin's website and myspace, Wilde or Get Physical for more news. Keep this on your calendar.

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